Aislamiento de exosomas de orina
Las vesículas extracelulares (EVs) de orina son una excelente fuente de biomarcadores, especialmente para enfermedades genito-urinarias. Sin embargo, el aislamiento de estas vesículas a partir de orina presenta algunas dificultades técnicas. En particular, la alta concentración de THP/uromodulina, que puede polimerizar y formar una red que atrapa las vesículas extracelulares e impide obtener unas preparaciones limpias y con alto rendimiento.
Para salvar estos inconvenientes SBI ha desarrollado un kit especializado en el aislamiento de vesículas extracelulares de orina.: Exo-Urine EV Isolation Kit. Con él obtendrá un rendimiento 10 veces mayor que con otros métodos, incluida la ultracentrifugación, y una mayor pureza.

Using frozen urine samples, the Exo-Urine Kit delivers EV preps that show greater enrichment of EV markers and less contaminating THP than other methods. Urine samples from healthy donors were pooled and stored at -20°C for 3 weeks before EV isolation and Western blotting for EV markers and contaminating THP. The superiority of the Exo-Urine Kit compared to other methods—Company N’s kit, ultracentrifugation, and polymer precipitation—is reflected in the higher levels of EV markers and almost complete lack of contaminating THP in the EVs isolated using the Exo-Urine Kit. As with Figure 1, only 1.5 mL of the pooled urine sample was used for the Exo-Urine prep compared to 15 mL for all other methods. High relative amounts of aquaporin-2 (AQP2) vs other EV markers in the ultracentrifugation and polymer precipitation lanes could result from carryover of non-EV associated forms of aquaporin-2 (Kodaka K, et al. Urinary Exosomal Aquaporin-2 Expression and the Efficacy of Tolvaptan in Advanced CKD Patients with Congestive Heart Failure: An Interim Report. J Clin Exp Nephrol. 2018 April. 3:6. DOI: 10.21767/2472-5056.100057).